UV Max Quartz Sleeve: J/Plus, K/Plus, PRO30 & PRO50 Systems


  • Original UVMax Quartz Sleeve
  • O-rings Included

UV Lamp/Quartz Sleeve Replacement Instructions  

UV Max quartz sleeve for these systems:

Quartz Sleeve:

All UV Max systems include a quartz sleeve, which surrounds the lamp. The quartz sleeve provides thermal protection for the UV lamp and protects it from possible water damage. The quartz material used in VIQUA quartz sleeves is 100% fused silica which lend to the sleeve’s high transmittance. A high transmittance is important as the UV light must travel through the sleeve to get to the water. There are a variety of quartz sleeve designs, depending on the system they are being used in.

UV Lamp/Quartz Sleeve Replacement Instructions
