Structural Polyglass Pressure Vessels

H2O Whole House Filters, Water Softeners, and Well Water Systems are built with Structural Polyglass Pressure Vessels.

Pentair Water Treatment
Structural Polyglass&trade Tanks
Made in the United States

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The highest quality pressure vessel for residential and light commercial water softener/filtration applications. Structural Polyglass pressure vessels provide years of reliable service for water softener and water filtration applications. These slim-diameter tanks hold up to 49 gallons of water and offer unmatched strength and chemical resistance.

All Polyglass residential tanks are backed by an exclusive 10-year warranty.

Structural’s patented manufacturing process creates a seamless polyethylene shell that is wound continuously with miles of fiberglass reinforcements and sealed with epoxy resin. Computer-aided winding machines and other customized equipment are used to create a product that offers outstanding performance and durability.

Structural pressure vessels provide cost-effective solutions for the most challenging applications. Using the latest technologies, Structural critically evaluates every design detail to ensure their products meet or exceed ISO, AMSE, NSF, & other agency standards.